Alright, Changing the site’s name..

After quite some time, i’ve been thinking about this site’s name… And i’m not pleased with “Fureeweargaming”! So i decided to create a more… decent one. A name that is quite simple to understand and remember.

That being said, Obliviware is okay, I think..? well, i’m too lazy to think of a more simple one so this name should suffice for the time being.

Now on to the main business, I’m currently downloading some references on background art for my OELVN (houses, streets, and anything that is in the background, you get it right?), And I still have so many things to get before I start drawing the environment.

Well, honestly, I’m not talented in drawing backgrounds so I looked for another way to make one. And i found a very interesting piece of guide for making 2D backgrounds!  To tell you the truth, it’s pretty cheap and a little guilty to do, but what choice do I have? I don’t really have someone who can make background art for me and I’m the only one making my projects!

In any case, at least i have “2D”  background art, right? right?! Okay let me explain it a little more as to why it is “pretty cheap and guilty to do” thing:

Firstly, you need adobe photoshop, or any photoshopping piece of software and  Google sketchup.

second…. well, I can’t explain it in detail so i’ll just give you the link for the guide, and who is using this type of method in creating background, Click this Link for the guide.

There you have it, now all i need is to practice drawing the characters and less time worrying about the backgrounds! hahaha…

…And for my currently making “project”, visit my VN in the Works! page. Everything is explained there.

Testing the post…



Yatta! I fixed my homepage!! >.<

Free rootbeer for everyone! 😀

… just come to my house and we’ll celebrate >.O

anyways, that’s all for now.. i gotta do my thesis… gotta stop

fooling around for now XD


OKAY! I’ve been doing some research in my free time (which is, a few hours ago…) and i’ve been fixing my site here. I also finished customizing the other tabs and removing some comment bars. after those things have settled in my tabs and i think the page format is alright (for now?). But there’s still one thing bothering me… 

i want to make my home page comment tab disabled and adding “pages” to each post. This page will be a test run to see how it turns out.

(KA CHING!) I got an idea, but it isn’t good. OTL.. if there’s no automatic way to initialize pages to my homepage, i think i might manually do it.. and that will kill me some time. (And i don’t want that.) hmm i might as well try it. i have no other options either way lol.

…____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (After a few minutes, testing the homepage idea thingy…)

Ugh.. it failed… oh well. might as well ask google.. :

………oh, tagging posts on pages, i see… uh huh… download this and download that plug-in.. wait, how can i install plug-in on my site..? Okay sure, i have a filezilla, and i know how to use it and the FTP and stuff. but it won’t work for some reason… no response from server.. always like that, and if i change the settings to SFTP and port to 80, it works alright, awaiting welcome bla bla bla something about entering the server… my transfer settings is at Passive. IT STILL DOESN’T WORK!

Status: Selected port usually in use by a different protocol.

Status: Connecting to…

Response: fzSftp started

Command: open “” 80

Error: Connection timed out

Error: Could not connect to server



…. i dunno what to do anymore.. *yaoming sad*……………………

SO! imma gonna go now and drink rootbeer… *gets rootbeer from fridge and disappears like sasuke uchiha*

{Words of Songs}

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